
Don't waste your money on Tubit

I would never waste my time, energy and money on Tubit again! This dating website is a trash! Don’t waste your money and energy at all! I won’t renew mine and I would never be on that website again!

Stay away from Letmedate

Stay away from Letmedate.It is a fake itself!

Datemyage is really a fake website

Guys! Datemyage is really a fake website, created for the purpose of debit money from you bank account automatic renew. I have cancelled my subscription but monthly subscription amount is being debited from my account. I hate this, even though there is no service/response or no contact number I’m fed up with writing mail to them no one ever responded till now.

Datemyage is Absolutely terrible site

Absolutely terrible site. Joined because of a couple pf people I wanted to contact and after I joined they disappeared – bait and switch. You have to PAY for EVERYTHING!/ No explanation of how to use anything. You cannot save for or search for a specific person.

Don't waste your money on Datemyage

Don’t waste your money on Datemyage. It’s set up as a scheme where they only reveal certain people the more you get involved and spend your points. It’s not open access to all profiles and you can’t just pick whomever you want to correspond with.

Letmedate don't care about customers

They don’t care about customers, they just want to make customers’ wallets thinner by taking their money. has the worst choices has the worst choices of men, they’re weird looking (like they just got out of prison) and the few good ones are fake accounts. I asked very early on to cancel my subscription and they never responded.

Datemyage is functionally impaired!

Datemyage is functionally impaired! Unfortunately I signed up for six months on a recommendation from a friend who only tested it… can’t wait for the contract to expire! I’ll give it one star for…?… sorry, can’t think of anything good about it!

Was unhappy with Tubit

Was unhappy with Tubit right after signing up and just got worse. Will never refer it to anyone. Does anyone have a preference a good dating website?

Save your money & go elsewhere

Save your money & go elsewhere or try something different – actually approach people, use your connections & avoid those who hide behind the Internet looking for the love of their life.

Tubit is not the best website

I feel like that Tubit is not the best website because most of the guys are looking for ass and drink a ton and smoke weed not an attractive quality at all not looking for a gangster

Just not happening on Tubit

I was pressured into trying a dating site and told about Tubit. After a little while I set up my account and started browsing the carousel and searching locally. Waste of time. No one responds because they don’t have memberships. You need coins to boost yourself but you’re limited to 40 a day and they cost a fortune. It’s just a big money scam. You’re better off spending money elsewhere. Happy relationship hunting- it’s just not happening on Tubit.

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