(28 reviews)


Avg rating: 1.6

Datemyage.com is renowned as the best online dating platform. The key reason behind the enormous demand and popularity of this online dating platform is that it helps people from different countries and cultures to enjoy diversified dating.

If you are looking for dating opportunities according to your age, you need to look at nowhere else but datemyage.

Do you want to learn more about datemyage.com?

If yes, then you should keep reading this datemyage.com review.

About DateMyAge.com

It is the best dating platform online. Datemyage.com was introduced in the year of 1993. Now, this dating company provides dating services around the world – from Latin America to Asian countries. The best part of joining this online distinct dating network is that you can find out women and men dating from different 40 countries.

If you are looking for a direct dating platform for singles, you need to look at nowhere else but datemyage.com. The best part of choosing this dating site online is that you can easily find partners of age and interest.

When it comes to choosing a dating platform, you would first like to know about its amazing dating features. Actually, datemyage.com comes incorporated with plenty of dating features and functionalities. So, when it comes to choosing a dating platform for singles online, you need to look at nowhere else but datemyage.

Video Chatting, Instant Messaging and Live Streaming and Broadcasting for Dating

One of the key reasons behind the ever-growing popularity of datemyage.com is that it provides incredible communication options for dating online. Whether it is about video chatting or live streaming, you will always find datemyage the right dating site to go with.

So, if you want to spice up your online dating experience, you first need to confirm whether your chosen dating site or dating app has useful communication features or not. Thus, you are advised to go with this amazing dating option called DateMyAge.com.

There is no doubt that communication is the key to online dating success. So, when it comes to grabbing success for dating online, you need to choose a dating platform that can help you unlock useful communication features. Obviously, datemyage.com provides plenty of options for communication. So, you can spice up your dating experience by making live video calls or broadcasting.

DateMyAge.com Reveiw

Best Dating for Singles

Leading a life as a single can be a hectic task to accomplish. Obviously, you will never and ever like to enjoy your life alone. Instead, you would like to find a partner with who you can share your emotions. But how it can be done? This is the point where you need to unveil the features of datemyage.com.

This is the best dating platform that can help you find singles from different countries. Yes, it’s the best cross-culture dating site that can help you meet men and women from different countries.

Obviously, the more you have options to choose from, the better option you will choose. So, if you want to enjoy dating single women online, you need to browse through profiles of hot women at datemyage.com. By going through different types of profiles of sexy women online, you can find out a few women for dating on the internet.

Join DateMyAge.com for Free

If you are assuming that joining this one of the best dating websites could be an expensive decision to go with, you need to get rid of this perception. You need to accept the fact that you can even join this dating platform for free. Yes, you can be able to use different dating features of datemyage as a free member.

But the question arises here how you can be a free member on datemyage.com? For this, you need to follow the stated below instructions.

Free Sign up Process for DateMyAge.com

  • First of all, you need to visit datemyage.com.
  • Here, you need to click on the sign-up option.
  • Now, you need to provide asked details of you on the site.
  • You need to provide your full name, email address, contact details, and a short bio.
  • When you decide to write a bio, make sure you should write about your objectives behind joining this dating site for singles.
  • You may need to confirm your email address or contact number.
  • You may also choose a profile picture or upload other types of content for better reach.
  • However, you can join the datemyage dating site for free, but you aren’t supposed to enjoy premium customer support and services.

How to Become a Paid Member to Enjoy Premium Dating Services of DATEMYAGE.COM

If you are assuming that by merely becoming a free member of datemyage, you can be able to enjoy premium dating features, you need to get rid of this confusion. Yes, you need to understand the fact that without choosing a paid membership of this dating platform, you won’t be able to access premium dating features.

So, let’s check out how you can become a paid member of this dating portal to enjoy premium dating facilities online.

  • The process of signing up on this dating site for paid members is just like the signing up process of free members. The only difference is that paid members need to go through a payment process.
  • For this, you first need to complete your dating profile on this dating.
  • When you complete your dating profile on this website for dating with singles, you will be given options for choosing a paid membership plan.
  • Now, you need to choose a paid membership plan in order to become a paid member of this dating portal.


Frequently Asked Questions


Can I enjoy dating online for free joining this dating site?

Yes you can, provided that you are supported by paid members.

Do I need to provide my real information on this dating site?

However, you may hide your real information, but it is advised that you should provide your real information in order to grab better reach.

Which is the best option – free or paid membership?

Of course, paid membership is a great option as it leads you for unveiling premium dating features.

Can I find singles of my choice for dating online?

Yes, datemyage dating site is devoted to singles. Whether you are looking for men or women for dating online, you can easily find out plenty of singles on the internet.

Post Review

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Cancelled my subscription

Cancelled my subscription, tried to contact to complain as still taking my money, £2.99 a day and its coming out even though I have no use of my account, not replying to any messages on the chat or messaging service and no direct number to get hold of any one, absolute scam

Don't lie to people

This site advertises itself as a free dating website. You can then make upgrades with to see more features. This is false advertising. You can do absolutely nothing but make a profile for free. If you are going to make a pay only service then make it a pay only service. Don’t lie to people to get their information.

Extra charges for everything

Every time I go on the site, I am told someone has viewed my profile but I can never find the profile of that person. I cannot search a person by location (postal code) even though it is supposed to be an option. Finally, there are extra charges for everything. Overall the site is a confusing incoherent scam to gouge we fools who have subscribed to it. I must add that Match.com is just as bad. These parasites are cursed and should be put out of business and our misery.

I met here is a scammer

My first “match” I met here is a scammer. I didn’t loss any money because I am smart enough not to be fooled, and strong enough to pull it through. The scammer keeps harassing me but it’s not considered as a crime by this site, therefore they refuse to release his identity due to “privacy concern”. The scammers are harbored and boldened knowing there are no consequence of their behaviors. Some innocent people are hurt sooner or later. I’d like to say stayaway from this website as much as you can.


I have experienced first hand and agree with all the negative reviews. If I could rate it ‘0’ I would! STAY CLEAR OF THIS SITE!

Save your money

Save your money and go to a more established dating site.

Never come here.

These guys do not protect your privacy and they don’t refund money. Worst experience ever. Total rip. Never come here.

Biggest fraud

Run as fast as you can as they will take your use your credit card 10 times more once you give them your card #. Biggest fraud !!!!!!!

Total waste

Too much good looking ones showing on the first account, sceptical I decided to setup a different email account resulting with much uglier profiles with no nudity. Same personal details, same search area, different profile pic. Total waste.

It’s full of fake profiles

It was rated well so I tried it out. Only ever had one date off the app in three years. It’s full of fake profiles and is a scam to get premium payment.

Customer service none existent

Amazingly after paid for lifetime premium membership block my account some fabricated fake report I was using for business purchases . I’ve emailed many times no reply or investigation just me well out of pocket and no recourse disgraceful company customer service none existent

Abusive and harassing

It is a breeding ground which engenders sexual denigration towards women. I am a female service user who spent a few weeks on the dating app. Despite reporting a large number of sexist and sexually abusive and harassing comments the site did little about it. I realised that although the men were blocked from my account the site allowed them to continue on the app and were in no way penalised or made accountable for their behaviour.

Keep clear

Keep clear. I feel fake profiles. Fake information and statistics. Doesn’t appear to be monitored in anyway. Other site much better in my opinion or use one of the free less fussy sites…

Biggest waste of money

Got a subscription for what i though was a month was labeled a month but no it was entire year contract. Biggest waste of money and there wasnt even anyone in my area.

Just be careful

Will meet a few unsavoury men but might be lucky. Just be careful not to give out your information readily. Enjoy the experience. Who knows . You might find the one

I was lucky

I was lucky and found someone on this site. I never had to purchase any coins. Just by doing the carousel, I earned them. Still wish you could search by user name.

It is absolute garbage

It is absolute garbage as a dating site.


Beware ! Looks good, however just another money grabbing heist.

Terrible in all

Terrible in all regards, up charges , no phone number, freezes my new iPad, sucks on selection, etc

Avoid this site at all costs

I paid for a membership and it seems most profiles are fake. You are contacted a lot but you are almost immediately asked to leave the site for Hangouts or WhatsApp. The profile says they are in the same city but they are not. Not one “person” I spoke to was in my city. Everyone ended up wanting money for a scam. Reverse search the images and they are of different people. Avoid this site at all costs as the US government sued it for fake profiles put up by criminals

Datemyage is really a fake website

Guys! Datemyage is really a fake website, created for the purpose of debit money from you bank account automatic renew. I have cancelled my subscription but monthly subscription amount is being debited from my account. I hate this, even though there is no service/response or no contact number I’m fed up with writing mail to them no one ever responded till now.

Datemyage is Absolutely terrible site

Absolutely terrible site. Joined because of a couple pf people I wanted to contact and after I joined they disappeared – bait and switch. You have to PAY for EVERYTHING!/ No explanation of how to use anything. You cannot save for or search for a specific person.

Don't waste your money on Datemyage

Don’t waste your money on Datemyage. It’s set up as a scheme where they only reveal certain people the more you get involved and spend your points. It’s not open access to all profiles and you can’t just pick whomever you want to correspond with.

Datemyage is functionally impaired!

Datemyage is functionally impaired! Unfortunately I signed up for six months on a recommendation from a friend who only tested it… can’t wait for the contract to expire! I’ll give it one star for…?… sorry, can’t think of anything good about it!

Most members are not active on Datemyage

Most profiles are not members. Most members are not active. Leaving very limited possibilities for matches. Not given credit for days when not able to access website. Not able to sign into my account on the last day of my subscription.

Datemyage is not that bad

Guys, I knew that you might get frustrated by online dating. I had the same feeling too. But honestly speaking, Datemyage is not that bad. I signed up and became its paid member a few months ago, and the fee is a little bit expensive but the services are good when compared to the previous sites I used before. I am now chatting well with a nice woman who’s divorced and had similar experience with me. I hope we can work things out.

Datemyage is a great dating site

Datemyage is a great dating site. Being able to control what you are looking for is what I liked best. I was able to choose the age, ethnicity, religion and distance specifically for me. After using Datemyage for only a couple weeks I have found a match that truly makes me happy so I am ending my search.

Datemyage was a good experience

It was an easy site to use although this just my 2nd. The other a free one. I never contacted anyone thru the other b/c nothing about people verified. And mostly creeps. Datemyage was a good experience.

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